Nutrinnovate Lanka

Nutrinnovate Australia operates a processing facility in Sri Lanka as Nutrinnovate Lanka Pvt. Limited. Nutrinnovate Lanka repacks and co-manufactures "Nutrinnovate Australia" and "Nutrinno" branded products using all principal ingredients imported from Australia.

Nutrinnovate Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.
No.121, Mudungoda (WP).

Tel : 0113 421 921

Australian Quick Oats

Natural Strawberry Flavored Oats

Natural Vanilla Flavored Oats

Honey, Cranberry and Oats Granola

Blueberry Cranberry Muesli with Almond and Chia

Royal friut and Nut Muesli with Healthy Nuts

Green Apple Muesli with Almond and Chia seeds

Oats Beetroot Fettuccine/Pasta

Oats Spinach Fettuccine/Pasta

Oats Saffron Fettuccine/Pasta